Fishermans Bend to Elsternwick | 606 Bus timetable | PTV
Fishermans Bend to Elsternwick
606Bus timetable: PTV
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Fishermans Bend
North Port
Port Melbourne
Albert Park Shops
Armstrong Street
St Kilda Fitzroy Street
St Kilda Esplanade
St Kilda Beach (luna Park)
St Kilda Beach Acland Street
Version 7.0.0 (September 2024) [ Route Id: 1711 ] [ GTFS: victoria_metrobuses ] [ Anch1: 1186 ] [ Anch2: 0 ] [ AnchMin: 5 ] [ Filt: 0 ] [ FiltMin: 0 ] [CurrTim: 06/00:57:18 ]

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