Tanunda to Swan Reach via Cambrai | Bus timetable | LinkSA
Tanunda to Swan Reach via Cambrai
Bus timetable: LinkSA
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Times listed here are a snapshot of LinkSA's publicly published times. Whilst we check occasionally for updates and schedules are fairly stable, it's possible that a schedule change has been made since last we last checked so we strongly recommend that before travelling you check the precise times and stopping locations with LinkSA directly.
[Updated Sun 01-Jan-2023 ]
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Swan Reach
Version 7.0.1 (October 2024) [ Route Id: 480 ] [ GTFS: sa ] [ Anch1: 2635 ] [ Anch2: 0 ] [ AnchMin: 2 ] [ Filt: 0 ] [ FiltMin: 0 ] [CurrTim: 11/04:35:24 ]

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