South Perth Ferry | Ferry timetable | TransPerth
South Perth Ferry
Ferry timetable: TransPerth
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Service Status
Due to major Metronet construction works, until mid 2025, trains on the Armadale and Thornlie lines are running only between Perth and Victoria Park. Stations south of Victoria Park are being served by buses all the way to and from Perth or Elizabeth Quay.
[Updated Mon 20-Nov-2023 ]
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Elizabeth Quay
South Perth Mends Street
Version 7.0.0 (September 2024) [ Route Id: 239 ] [ GTFS: perth ] [ Anch1: 1591 ] [ Anch2: 0 ] [ AnchMin: 2 ] [ Filt: 0 ] [ FiltMin: 0 ] [CurrTim: 08/10:51:27 ]

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